Hello! This is not a "riot" thread. I'm making this thread to get support and help the CM see this message. I will use google translate to translate the whole text. (This can be found beneath the English section.)
We have been told that there won't be any "daily-medals". I am sure that 90% of the world wants this. My opnion is that they help our players get more motivated because they eager to get those medals. So just give me your toughts on everything in the comment section and hopefully our beloved CM or any other mod/admin will reply to us!
Have a great day!
Rečeno nam je bilo, da ne bo nobenih "vsakodnevno medalje". Prepričan sem, da želi 90% sveta to. Moj opnion je, da pomagajo naši igralci dobili bolj motivirani, saj želijo, da bi dobili tiste medalje. Torej daj mi svoje toughts o vsem v komentar oddelku, in upajmo, da bo naš ljubljeni CM ali katero koli drugo mod / admin odgovarjati na nas!
Imajo velik dan!
We have been told that there won't be any "daily-medals". I am sure that 90% of the world wants this. My opnion is that they help our players get more motivated because they eager to get those medals. So just give me your toughts on everything in the comment section and hopefully our beloved CM or any other mod/admin will reply to us!
Have a great day!
Rečeno nam je bilo, da ne bo nobenih "vsakodnevno medalje". Prepričan sem, da želi 90% sveta to. Moj opnion je, da pomagajo naši igralci dobili bolj motivirani, saj želijo, da bi dobili tiste medalje. Torej daj mi svoje toughts o vsem v komentar oddelku, in upajmo, da bo naš ljubljeni CM ali katero koli drugo mod / admin odgovarjati na nas!
Imajo velik dan!