Medals / Medalje - Svet 16!


Hello! This is not a "riot" thread. I'm making this thread to get support and help the CM see this message. I will use google translate to translate the whole text. (This can be found beneath the English section.)

We have been told that there won't be any "daily-medals". I am sure that 90% of the world wants this. My opnion is that they help our players get more motivated because they eager to get those medals. So just give me your toughts on everything in the comment section and hopefully our beloved CM or any other mod/admin will reply to us!

Have a great day!


Rečeno nam je bilo, da ne bo nobenih "vsakodnevno medalje". Prepričan sem, da želi 90% sveta to. Moj opnion je, da pomagajo naši igralci dobili bolj motivirani, saj želijo, da bi dobili tiste medalje. Torej daj mi svoje toughts o vsem v komentar oddelku, in upajmo, da bo naš ljubljeni CM ali katero koli drugo mod / admin odgovarjati na nas!

Imajo velik dan!


Svet 16 ima (skoraj) klasične nastavitve... brez lokostrelcev, brez paladina, brez cerkve, brez dnevnih medalj in drugih posebnih učinkov. To naj bi bil svet, kakršni so bili včasih. Svet, kjer je v ospredju borba do končne zmage ali poraza in ne zbiranje skavtskih našitkov. To naj bi bil TribalWars in ne TribalHugs. Kaj pa boste vi naredili iz njega...

World 16 has (almost) classical settings ... no archers, without Paladin without the church, without the daily medals and other special effects. This should be the world such as those in the beginnings of the TribalWars. A world where the focus is the fight until the final victory or defeat and not collecting scout patches. It should be Tribalwars and not TribalHugs. But we shall see what will you make of it ...


I'm not trying to make enemies or anything here. It was just my opinion on the situation :)

I don't think it will matter that much for the CM if he brings in the daily medals. They don't even make a diffrence in the game except for motivational purposes...


I'm not trying to make enemies or anything here. It was just my opinion on the situation :)

I don't think it will matter that much for the CM if he brings in the daily medals. They don't even make a diffrence in the game except for motivational purposes...

kolega ,tukaj je slovenija,prosim prevod.


Sam si ga naredi ti ni on dolžen prevajat če pa ti ne znaš Angleško pa ni njegov problem.


New Member
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značke motivirati igralce in so vse pokazatelj, koliko smo še vedno premalo

Prosim v imenu svojih pozitivnih ropatrzenie medalj


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lord franco: learn to speak in eglish:)

po tvoji pameti sklepam da rabiš prevod:p


Jaz ne zagovarjam dnevnih medalj. To je daleč od klasične strežnika, čeprav. Kovanci? Ughh, P2W? pa res moram reči, kaj o tem?

Ne pritožujem, čeprav uživam svoj ​​čas tukaj. Slovenija ftw.



Tukaj je forum Vojne plemen in tu veljajo pravila foruma, ki ste jih sprejeli, ko ste se registrirali na ta forum.

Lep dan

pol pa upoštevaj slo jezik,kaznuj prebrisance ,ki nalašč uporabljajo druge jezike,za hrbtom se pa smejijo.


Any update on the daily medals-question?

Can we get a reply from the CM?


Vprašanje sem že prejšnjič posredoval CM. Odgovor je bil, da na tem svetu medalj ni. Dokončni odgovor še čakam.

Your question has been forvarded to CM. At that time the answer was there is no medals on this world, but I'm still waiting for the final decision.


Tale svet bo bolj zanimiv brez dnevnih odličji in prelomnih tako da mislim da ne bo CM spremenil nastavitev meni osebno so čisto všeč.


Tale svet bo bolj zanimiv brez dnevnih odličji in prelomnih tako da mislim da ne bo CM spremenil nastavitev meni osebno so čisto všeč.

In what way will it get more exciting if the medals are not there? They don't do anything other then show people how good you are doing!

I think it's great!


Na kakšen način bo dobil bolj razburljivo, če medalje ne? Če ne kaj drugega, potem pokazati ljudem, kako dobro delate!

Mislim, da je super!


Če so vam tako pomembna odličja in našitki pojdite pa k tabornikom!

Hvala za vsaj en svet s klasičnimi nastavitvami in brez nepotrebne navlake. ;)

Prevode v turščino, poljščino itd. prepuščam stricu googlu. :p
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