Zastonj premium???

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kopirano iz net foruma*
Need free premium?

Well here's what you do!

For every player you recruit on any world you play, you can receive 5 days of free premium. Simply give them your unique recruit player link and get them to make their own account to play the game.

When you get your friends to join, make sure that they do the following:

* When they sign up they need to use YOUR link from the Recruit Player section of your profile, as it has your player ID and NOT just
* Make sure they do not sign up on your connection, as that is illegal.
* You obviously have to follow the rules about only having one account per world, so no multi accounting. People who are caught multi accounting and referring each other face very harsh punishments.
* They have to use a valid email when registering and must confirm it.

They have to join a world you play, so this is only relevant on open worlds and will not work if you are playing w10 and they sign up for world 39.

Once your friend reaches 1500 points you receive 5 days of free premium!

Now that may not sound like a lot, but when your account gets bigger and you need those 5 free days, they can be very useful. We understand that some economies are in a bad spot and not everyone can afford to pay for games. This is an easy way you can ease some of the financial trouble while bringing in more new players at the same time.

So for a full month of premium you only have to recruit 6 different friends and get them to play until 1500 points!

torej vprasanje,... Deluje ta zadeva tudi pri nas ali ne?


Ja, ampak pri nas je dovolj že, če pridejo do 500 točk. Vsaj tako se mi zdi.

Torej hitreje, lažje in bolje za nas, ki jim damo povabilo.


Za vsakega igralca, ki doseže 500 točk, prejmeš premium račun za 5 dni. Vabljenje samega sebe ali novih igralcev, s katerimi deliš internetno povezavo, je strogo prepovedano.

Nove igralce lahko povabiš z naslednjo povezavo:

(tvoja povezava)


hvala za odgovore...
no sedaj pa veseli na delo vabit nove clane... hehe
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